First of all, a big THANK YOU for subscribing!
All subscriptions run until you cancel them. You can Cancel and Resume your subscription at any time, with just one click. Don't worry about losing course progress, classroom data, or any other settings when your subscription lapses — your data is always safe. And you will always get the time you paid for, no matter when you cancel.
Receipts are automatically emailed after each transaction. Need another copy? Just visit the My Profile -> My License page.
To upgrade or downgrade your subscription tier, simply cancel your current subscription and purchase a new one. Email us for help if you need it.
If you have any issues or further questions please contact us. You can even book a meeting with us and get training and/or help via Google Meet. We love to talk with our customers! It's the best way to get feedback and offer assistance and initial training. We find that well-informed customers become happy long-term customers, and that's what we want!- Enable or Disable main features such as Classroom Wall, Student Visibility, Certificates, and more.
- Custom learning paths where you decide which units and activities are shown to the students.
- Adjust the Activity difficulty and toggle things like Help and Restarts.
- Customize certificates with your custom text and school branding.
- The easiest way to get students started is via "self-enrollment" with the Classroom Key , which is automatically generated for every new Classroom instance. You can view/modify the Classroom Key on the Classroom tab. Teachers should share the key with their Students, then the students simply need to register for a FREE student account, click JOIN CLASS and then enter the Classroom Key.
- Another way is to use the Quick Add tool where you can add a single student by email address.
- The final way is to use the Bulk Student Add tool where you use a spreadsheet to import multiple students.
If you have a monthly subscription, just cancel undesired one and start a new desired one at the end of the month. Or just email us and make us do it :D
If you have a yearly subscription with lots of time left on it, then you are better off just emailing us, because we can refund any unused portion and start a fresh yearly subscription.
No. Nothing is erased.
We realize that teachers might not want to be subscribed all the time due to budget or a million other reasons. So we designed the system with that in mind. You can actually subscribe for one month, cancel for a few months or even years, and then come back. Everything will be as you left it. We never delete any classroom or student progress data unless the teacher or student asks us to. So as long as you use the same email address, you are fine. Or if you have a new email email address just write and let us know, so we can fix it.
Check the Classroom Settings page. If the "Grade lock" is Off, which is the default setting, then units should be marked complete when the student completes all visible activities.
However, if the "Grade Lock" has been turned On, then, in addition to completing all visible activities, the teacher must either "grade" or "dismiss" the Writing and/or Speaking activities.Then the unit should show as complete.
We originally developed "Grade Lock" for a school that was complaining... because their students were "rushing through the course" and getting their certificates before their Writing and Speaking activities had been graded. So all this setting is prevent that.
So in turn, the teacher must either "Dismiss" or "Grade" all activities in a timely manner or else the student will not see the completion.
Classroom certificates are issued when a student is enrolled in a Classroom. How and when the certificate is issued is entirely up to the teacher. The options are "Automatic grant", "Manual grant", and "Disabled". These options are explained in more detail elsewhere.
Module certificates are issued when a student is NOT enrolled in any active classroom and has completed an entire content module. These certs are permanent once issued, even if a student joins or quits a classroom.
- Your logo and site branding (web site & certificates)
- Custom domain or subdomain (e.g.
- Enhanced admin panels
- Prioritized support

c/o English 4 Work
Folkungagatan 132c, Box #541
116 30 Stockholm
Phone: +46 73 919 229